About Me
Hey there my name is Chrissy and I want to connect with you with a bit of my personal experience so that you can get an idea of the journey I went through to give me the insights and ah ha moments in my life, maybe it will resonate with you and your own journey.
For many years I knew that my ‘destiny’ was to work with people on such an heart felt level. I have always been a deep feeler but not always have I been in-tune with my emotions and intuition, in fact for many years I simply shut everything down in order to survive in the world I was living in.
Many People in my life have instigated much reflection and change for me but it took me to my 30th year to be like hey this is not the life I want, or feel aligned with, and so with that in mind change was in the wind…
As I am sure many of you reading this will relate to I read the books, did the teachings and learnt many things, tools to help me discover my truth, my purpose and my soul path.
I developed my intuition mostly by the setting up my holistic therapy business. Through the trials and tribulations and countless amazing clients I tapped into my intuition in a massive way and what I now call my super power. As I listened to my heart the messages become stronger and soon I was able to help clients with things I could not have dreamt of supporting them with before. It was like I have remembered who I truly am and how we could live.
I not only tapped into my intuition with clients but I started to use it as my guidance working on my own light from the inside out strengthening it so much that nothing else seemed to bother me – I was in my flow, my flow of my soul with in the universe. I feel that your intuition is your higher self/ Soul/ Spirit what ever you resonate with, your inner voice and the direct connection to all that is.
I knew this was the start of something new, something so amazing that I wanted to share with everyone that would listen thats when I birthed my first online course ‘Intuitive Living’ Living from your heart space.
Using your intuition on everyday things is what I call ‘Intuitive Living’ your internal guidance system that always has your highest good in hand even with the simplest of questions.
I live and work by my intuition and even though in some strange way that doesn’t always make sense to me and my logical brain at the time, it is always right.
It can be the simplest of things like finding a car park feeling which road to turn down and guess what…there it is, or weather to have an apple or orange for lunch.
Your soul always knows what the best course of action for your highest good is, the tricky part is trying not to judge it with a logical brain.
For me Living this way has such a positive beautiful flow with my perception always creating my best reality.